Morning After Pill in Farnborough

If you had unprotected sex and worried about getting pregnant or concerned about your usual contraception might have failed and looking for Emergency contraceptive pill commonly called morning after pill, you can get help at Bridge Road Pharmacy in Farnborough . The pharmacist will carry out a quick assessment in order to establish which treatment is suitable for you.

What to expect in this article!

Here we are looking into what morning after pill is, types of morning after pill, how it functions, how effective it is, any side effects it may have, when and how often to take it, any other forms of emergency contraception and where to get them in Farnborough .

What is Morning After Pill?

It comes in the form of a tablet and it is a form of emergency contraception to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex or if the usual contraception fails. It comes as a single tablet and is taken with water.

Morning After Pill Types

In the UK, we have two commonly found morning after pills.


This tablet can be taken within 5 days (120 hours ) of unprotected sex. However, the earlier it is taken, the more effective it is after unprotected sex or failure of existing contraception.


This tablet can be taken within 3 days (72 hours) of unprotected sex. Again, the sooner you take it, the more effective it is. It also comes as a single tablet.

How does morning after pill work?

These two morning after pills work by preventing or delaying ovulation. The pills have hormones that try to stop the sperm to reach an egg and a fertilised egg to implant.
This short video by illustrates how emergency contraceptions work.
how emergency contraception work

Which morning after Pill should I take?

Your health professional should be able to advise you on which one to take after carrying out a quick assessment.

Morning After Pill side effects

There are no serious or long-term side effects from taking the emergency contraceptive pill, but like any other medicine it can still cause some side effects:
ellaOne side effects include things like headache, nausea, bleeding, dizziness and abdominal pain.
Levonelle side effects could be vomiting, nausea, tender breasts, headache and irregular bleeding.

When Should I take the Morning after pill?

The advice is to take the morning after pill as soon as possible right after unprotected sex or if you believe your regular contraception might have failed.
ellaOne can be taken up to 5 days (120 hours) after unprotected sex where as Levonelle must be taken within 3 days (72 hours).

How often the morning after Pill can be taken?

Both ellaOne and Levonelle can be taken more than once during your menstrual cycle ,However their use is primarily for emergency and should not be used as a regular contraception.

Should I get the morning after pill in advance?

The most important thing with morning after pill is to be taken as soon as possible after unprotected sex. Hence having the pill to hand when you need it could be helpful especially if you are going on holiday or you are worried your regular contraception might fail and would not have access to emergency contraception. However, it should not be used as a routine contraception.

What Emergency Contraception types are available?

There are two types of emergency contraception.
The morning after pill
and the copper coil (IUD)
The morning after pill (both levonelle and ellaOne) temporarily prevent your body from becoming pregnant, but shouldn’t affect fertility in the future.
The Copper Coil or Intra-Uterine Device (IUD) can be fitted by a trained medical professional up to 5 days after unprotected sex. You can find out more about IUD from NHS website.

Where to get emergency contraception in Farnborough ?

One of the most convenient and discreet ways to get your morning after pill in Farnborough is from Bridge Road Pharmacy. You don’t need any appointment or GP prescription to get your morning after pill.
Other places you can get emergency contraception from include:
You can find out more about emergency contraception on website.

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